Introducing risk communication
The terms risk communication and crisis communication are often jointly…
Oxygen & Partners is a public relations agency specialised in communication on sensitive and crisis issues, reputation management as well as governance issues for brands, businesses and institutions.
What we doSince 2015, we have been consulting and supporting a diverse set of corporate and institutional clients navigate situations of risk or seize moments of opportunity, protect or expand their reputation, and build up or improve their communications governance along the way. In a collaborative, flexible and agile working relationship based on trust, discretion, and confidentiality.
What we have observed over the course of the years is an increasing demand for communications support and external points of views in situations that are intrinsically complex. They are complex, because they involve personal values, historic backgrounds, economic reasonings, legal constraints or political implications that key stakeholder and target groups are not necessarily aware of, that need to be considered in communications and, most importantly, that need to be broken down to key messages.
In a digital world inundated with information and messages, few people have the attention, patience or benevolence to hear your message. All too often to the contrary. Therefore, corporate and institutional communications require an increasing amount of prevention and anticipation. In crisis communications, preparation is key. Ideally and generally, we thus avoid the stage of crisis communications per se, by helping our clients prepare their positioning and messaging, to understand and manage their stakeholders, and to roll-out a communications plan that allows them to connect the right people with the right targets, conveying the right compact, easy-to-understand and controlled messages.
In both the private and public sector, we have gathered a great deal of experience and are active in the fields of energy, culture, aviation, space, health, finance, industry, services, real estate, architecture, to name just these.
We are a small team of passionate and dedicated consultants, curious and keen to help our clients with tailored proposals and services. Each one of us entertains close relationships with specific client contacts, remains up to date about the sector he or she works on and always stays on standby, be it for a quick piece of advice on the phone or for receiving an in-person briefing on a larger project.
Risks are ubiquitous and guide our decision-making on a daily basis, be it consciously or subconsciously. Why should we look out for risks? Because neglecting them could lead to unwanted or even disastrous outcomes. Incorporating the notion of risk into decision-making and communication activities therefore is critical. A thorough risk analysis accompanied by a transparent risk-communication can not only prevent a crisis but is also likely to increase trust on the part of your key stakeholders.
Just think of the latest mediatised crisis that comes to your mind…
Where would you start fostering or protecting your reputation?
Which connected interests could and should you consider?
Besides being a public relations consultancy, we are an approved training institute. We offer a set of PR-related training possibilities, as for instance in crisis communications, press and media relations, message training and institutional communications. In general, we like to keep groups small, in order to ensure tailored and interactive sessions aimed at equipping participants with simple and hands-on methodological tools to use in the everyday PR and communications work.
The terms risk communication and crisis communication are often jointly…
Oxygen proposes internships to students and graduates. If you identify yourself with Oxygen & Partners’ positioning, bring adequate qualifications, seek to learn from our team and work while making a meaningful contribution by applying your own knowledge and perspectives in public relations, do not hesitate to submit your application and your CV.